Do you need important documentation notarized?

It might sound intimidating, but hiring a notary is a simple and easy process. A notary is a hired witness to the signing of legal documents. They verify signatures, deter fraud, and help people enter legal agreements.

It’s common to need a notary. But it’s much less common to know the ins and outs of their profession. Let us explain the cost of a notary and several reasons you might need one. Read on to learn more.

Why You Need a Notary

Notarization is an important process for people entering an agreement. What types of agreements might need notarization? Anything with a legal or binding power.

Some common agreements that need a notary include mortgages, deeds, wills, and power of attorney. Certain states require that notaries are present for these types of agreements. You can also learn more about notary use with title companies at Notary Depot.

Notaries are critical because they verify that all parties sign documents under their own power. They make sure the person signing the document is who they say they are. All signing parties should have a valid form of identification like a drivers license or passport.

Notaries also need to know that signing parties are able to understand what they are signing. They should be in a sound state of mind during the notarization. Notaries are an added layer of protection against fraud and help to make binding agreements legitimate.

What is the Cost of a Notary?

Despite popular belief, notaries are in charge of verifying signatures (not documents.) Their price is based on the number of signatures required in a document.

Let’s say you have only had one document, but it needs to be signed 20 times. In this case, you’ll need to pay for 20 notarizations. Notaries charge a small fee for each notarization.

The cost of notarization also depends on where you live. Some states set maximum fees for common notarial acts. Other states let notaries set their own rates.

For example, notaries can only charge $2 per signature in Arizona. In California, however, notaries are allowed to charge up to $15 per signature as of January 1, 2017.

Notaries can charge more for certain types of documents too. In Nevada, for example, notaries charge $75 for marriage documents.

You can view a state by state breakdown to see the cost of a notary in your state. Generally speaking, notaries cost between $2-$20 for most documents.

A mobile notary is a notary public who travels to clients. They can charge additional fees that range from a few dollars to upwards of $100. Make sure to ask about trip fees before booking an appointment with a mobile notary.

Are you looking for a notary? You can find and connect with notaries on a classifieds website.

Next Steps

Don’t underestimate the importance of a notary. You might have to pay some upfront costs for notarization. But it’s a small price to pay to keep your agreements secure and binding.

Are you interested in connecting with notary services? We can help. Contact us to post and find free classified ads today.